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School of the Wild

Nature based learning programmes to connect employees to understanding sustainability.


As said by David Attenborough — 'No one will protect what they don't care about; and no one will care about what they have never experienced'.

We have teamed up with the School of the Wild to deliver team building days

and outdoor learning programmes to help fix the broken relationship

between people, nature, and the planet.

Making behaviour change core to business functions requires a

broader understanding and connection with nature's role in sustainable business. 

Nature based learning is also proven to reduce stress, enhance productivity

and reduce absenteeism.

 aSchool of the Wild run unique, outdoor, nature-connected activities for adultsin the wild spaces of Brighton and Sussex.

The experiential courses blend practical bushcraft skills and foraging and cooking of wild food, with mindfulness and sensory awareness, ecopsychology and wilderness spirituality, Why not help nourish and strengthen your connection to nature, to the land, and to yourself, and have fun doing it.

Email us and we can create you a personal package.

© 2023 by Positive Impacts

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